stupid and idiot
Saturday, October 16, 2010 | Saturday, October 16, 2010 | 0 comments
arghhh.bgun pagi je mcm2 jadi.okay i'm not supposed to right this tapi.emm.what to do.i'm so sorry.harnie takde buat ape just online,chatting,borak2 kt phone and texting.esk sabar gile nk jmpe dgan kwan2 especially liyana.dh sminggu tk jumpe die bored.ingat nak bwk phone esk sbb tk bnyak aktviti yg ade.actually no meaning pun prgi skolah.pmr kan dh habis.waiting for result jela.tapi,the problem is kalau dudk rumah ten times borng dri skolah.nsib baik ad my iqram bby.boleh maen dgan die and watch his favourite mickey